General conditions of sale (CGV) and general conditions of use (CGU) of the website for the seasonal rental of an apartment with engraving workshop located at
6 rue des Guinguettes
43550 St Front
Phone number : 0033.782.40.31.72
It is agreed and decided as follows: hereby, Matthieu Coulanges gives to the tenant, who accepts, as a seasonal rental and according to the general conditions defined on the booking confirmation
Dispositions :
This reservation will take effect if we receive a deposit of 30% of the total price of the stay, by online payment, bank transfer or by French check in euros payable to Matthieu Coulanges. The balance of the total amount must be paid in full on arrival. By reserving the tenant agrees to have read the general conditions of sale and use and to respect these conditions.
Section 1:
The seasonal rental contract is reserved for the exclusive use of Matthieu Coulanges, who undertakes to welcome guests and provide information to facilitate their stay and knowledge of the region. Section 2: Duration of stay: The customer signing this contract concluded for a fixed period may not under any circumstances claim any right to remain in the premises at the end of the rental period initially provided for in this contract. , except with the agreement of the managers.
Section 3: Arrival and Departure
The client must arrive on the day specified and at the times agreed in advance with Matthieu Coulanges, by default from 3 p.m. In case of delayed arrival, the customer must notify the managers. The customer agrees to vacate the room at 11 a.m. on the day his rental ends. If necessary, he can make a request to the managers in order to be able to postpone his departure. Cleaning must be done before leaving (unless the “cleaning package” option has been chosen). Cleaning must be done before leaving (unless the “cleaning package” option has been chosen).
Section 4: Use of premises:
The tenant must ensure the peaceful character of the rental and make use of it in accordance with the destination of the premises. The customer agrees to occupy the rented premises personally with his family or friends, within the limit of the number of people for whom the room/studio is rented. The client undertakes to return the apartment in the state in which he found it upon arrival. Regarding the kitchen, utensils and small appliances are freely available. Their use is restricted to normal use. The company is released from any damage that may be created following improper use of the destination of the devices. The customer agrees to also pay for the repair or replacement of devices broken or damaged by improper use of the devices.
Section 5: Use of the workshop:
The use of the workshop is free and unsupervised. The workshop is considered a common part and is therefore not reserved for the tenant(s). Instructions will be provided on site for the use of the equipment, which must be used exclusively by adults who have mastered the use of this type of tool. In case of doubt, it is requested not to use the equipment and/or to call on Matthieu Coulanges. Matthieu Coulanges disclaims all damages that may be created as a result of improper use of the intended use of the devices. In particular, the use of the press, cutting or pointed tools, must be subject to increased vigilance. In case of breakage of material, it may be requested to replace it.
Noise 6: Noise pollution:
The cottage is located in the heart of a peaceful village, in a building. It is requested to respect the tranquility of the inhabitants of the village and the other inhabitants of the building.
Section 7: Keys and entry code:
Upon arrival, the client is given the key and/or the entry code in order to access the interior of the gîte. He undertakes not to keep these elements after his stay. He also undertakes not to communicate this code to any person who is not part of his reservation, nor to duplicate the keys. The key must be delivered by hand at the end of the stay. Any loss of keys will be charged 10€
Section 8: Capacity :
This contract is established for a specific number defined on the reservation confirmation of people. If the number of customers exceeds this number, the managers are able to refuse the additional customers. This refusal can in no way be considered as a modification or breach of the contract at the initiative of the managers, so that in the event of the departure of a number of customers greater than those refused, no refund can be considered.
Section 9: Conclusion of the booking :
The reservation becomes effective when the customer has sent the managers a deposit of 30% of the total amount of the stay. The second copy of the contract is to be kept by the customer. The prices are inclusive of all charges, excluding tourist tax and ancillary products: breakfast, dinner, consumption of drinks during dinners. Concerning the consumables of the workshop, in particular ink and paper, they are provided within the framework of a reasonable use, for the test proofs. Consumables for the production, even partial, of an edition will be invoiced in addition. The rental concluded between the parties can in no case benefit even partially to third parties, natural or legal persons, except with the written agreement of the managers. Any violation of this clause would be likely to result in the immediate termination of the rental at the fault of the tenant, the product of the rental remaining definitively acquired by the managers.
Section 10: Payment of the balance:
For all stays, the balance of the rental is paid no later than the day of arrival in the premises unless otherwise agreed by the managers. The customer who has not paid the balance on the agreed date is considered to have canceled his stay. Therefore, the service is again offered for sale and no refund will be made. For “last minute” stays, the total rental balance will be paid on the day of arrival. The tourist tax, local tax that the customer must pay to the company which transfers it to the public treasury, is excluded from the price.
Section 11: Cancellation by the customer:
Any cancellation must be notified in writing to the managers
.a) Deposit
-Cancellation within a period of more than 30 days before arrival at the premises, Matthieu Coulanges returns the entire amount of the deposit within 30 days of termination.
-Cancellation less than 30 days before entering the premises, the company retains the entire amount of the deposit paid.
c) “No show”
If the customer does not appear within 24 hours of the arrival date indicated on the booking confirmation, the contract becomes void and the managers can dispose of their room. The deposit and the balance of the rental remain with Matthieu Coulanges.
d)If the stay is shortened, the rental price remains with Matthieu Coulanges. No refund
will be made
Section 12: Pets:
The client cannot stay with an animal. In the event of non-compliance with this clause by the client, the managers may refuse the rental. This refusal can in no way be considered as a modification or breach of the contract at the initiative of the managers, so that in the event of the client’s departure, no refund can be considered.
Section 13: Insurance:
The customer is liable for all damages caused by him. He must therefore check whether his main housing contract provides for the “resort” extension. In the opposite case, he must intervene with his insurance company and claim the extension of the guarantee or take out a specific contract, under the “holiday” clause. The signing of this contract does not include a sworn statement of being insured. The managers can in no way be held responsible for an accident occurring to a child left unsupervised on the estate. The use of the workshop is not authorized for non-adults. It is advisable to take out an insurance policy that will cover you in the event of cancellation of your trip.
Section 14: Responsibility for parking and other places on the estate:
The managers of the establishment decline all responsibility in the event of an accident, damage, theft or other damage caused to cars, motorcycles, bicycles, vans,… and/or valuables left in the car park and in the establishment. His individual insurance (RC or car) will apply for any dispute.
Section 15: Dispute
In the event of a dispute, which could not find an amicable agreement, only the district court of the place of rental is competent. Any rental contract implies the unconditional acceptance by the tenant of these conditions.
Article 16: withdrawal:
The remote purchase of room rental in the establishment is governed by the Consumer Code. Article L221-28 12° of this code excludes the exercise of a right of withdrawal for the rental of room(s) between the tenant and Matthieu Coulanges. Once payment of the balance or deposit has been made, there will therefore be no withdrawal period granted.